A repository of the information - that our Right media, pundits and politicians, always being the gang that cannot shoot straight and never prepared to share credit with non-celebrities like myself despite www.roslerstudios.com - which is absolutely critical to understand who the most vile - and determined to be vile - operators at the top of Twitter were running the censorship and trolling operations. Like the wise guys they were, they hid under Jack Dorsey's sarcastic euphemism called "Twitter trust and safety". I, David Rosler, have been fighting this battle since 2012. Myself and my little group, explained further down tried to warn the world of the operational goings-on and hazards at Twitter. Always there was a reason.
First, the proof that we tried for years. Then indications that I tried on radio. WHY PUT THIS FIRST? Because you need to know and believe this before Hannity and Tucker and the celebrity squad in many ways worse than AOC figure it out too late and then screw up the precision of the information anyway which they are extremely good at doing. Why do I know better about these kinds of politics than they do? That comes first. Read the graphic below. I cannot say it any better than that, and every word is 100% true. 100% true.
By 2012 I had started to deep-dive on the people who appeared to think themselves God-like in their ability to continue unabated. And if Elon Musk had not bought Twitter and all left to our media, egotistical Fox News attention whores, lying Democrat politicians and Cowardly republicans, they might have done just that.
REMARKS TO to David Rosler gleaned from hundreds of similar rants and threats
Xavier von Erck's subordinate in his destructive trolling operation of thousands of trolls, now for 11 years Twitter's Head of Trust and Safety. This is where the trolling on Twitter is obviously coming from and obviously why Jack Dorsey hired her because she had no job experience whatsoever before twitter and Xavier .
...with what appear upon comparative analysis to be self-inflicted black eyes, a manifestation of schizophrenia and looking not at all like a "fighter's black eyes" which usually have a bruised eyeball, swollen upper eye and partially-closed eyelid.
Compare this self-inflicted bruise pattern seen on a jailed suspect to Del Harvey, above: identical and unique to "self-inflicted ocular abuse" (usually due to schizophrenia). Del Harvey also claimed to have "worked" in a mental institution, impossible since she did not have the 4-year degree demanded by law to do so.
From his essentially insanely unhinged blog. This guy gave Twitter's Del Harvey her trolling marching orders for ten years before they caused a televised suicide and were then immediately hired by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for....?
Mail receipt. It is obvious that both Del Harvey and Xavier von Erck are both working inside Twitter, and that means that Twitter is incomprehensibly dangerous: it's obviously a billion-dollar version of von Erck's trolling operation.
It would appear that Twitter is run, clinically speaking, by "Sadistic Psychopaths".
... threatened me, David Rosler, with death, repeatedly and claimed to "own congress". A quick look at D.B. Main's account shows the second person to follow D.B. Main was Barack Obama's actual official account with 40-something million followers (I saved the HTML of the page to prove it)
We offered them, but the weak-kneed Senate did not have the courage to ask despite knowing our previous accomplishments in this and other groups. Let us hope the GOP House of 2023 has an abundance of more courage now that every person on earth probably already knows the answers
Compiled by David Rosler. David Rosler Christian Motion Picture Studios
I. (ONLINE) AFFIDAVIT, signature available upon Senate request/demand
(Signature available and guaranteed upon Senate request/demand)
Under penalty of perjury, I swear that the following is true to my belief and the very best of my knowledge.
I was harassed, threatened and defamed literally several hundred to a couple of thousand times on Twitter by a select group of individuals for my expressed Christian and conservative viewpoints, by a specific collection of individual Twitter accounts, individuals whom I believe felt obligated to proudly demonstrate such actions to Twitter's VP of Trust and Safety, “Del Harvey”, to whom they many times tagged in their unilateral attacks against me, obviously to demonstrate their activity to her, apparently to solicit her favor.
Harassment has a very low legal threshold to be a crime. Simply willfully doing anything which knowingly causes distress is a crime, including shadowbanning businesses. To do so in concerted effort is a conspiracy to do so and that is a Felony. It is plain in my mind that Twitter is guilty of millions of similar felonies. Millions.
Further I swear that my research using free and common, reliable mainstream sources on the internet that Twitter's VP in Charge of Trust and Safety, real name Allison Shea, established by many mainstream interviews, known publicly by the imaginary name of Del (Delbius) Harvey, was and probably still is the “second in command” of an internet trolling operation called “Perverted Justice”. Ostensibly an “Internet vigilante anti-pedophile group", which itself disseminated the illegal child pornography the group members gathered from their victims, it appears, in my extremely-firmly held opinion and that of ex-members of the group, that Perverted Justice was nothing more than a sadistic trolling group using pedophiles as their human targets so as to ennoble their online sadistic rituals of having cyber-sex with victims while pretending to be young children and then using the information they hacked from their victims to ruin their lives, including calling and emailing the victim's wives and employers.
Perverted Justice was run by a person who also changed his name, this time legally, from Philip John Eide to his trolling handle of Xavier von Erck. Von Erck is, in my firmly-held opinion from what I can glean of interpretations of his writing content and style, a psychopathic sadist, whose identity as the person leading the attacks against me for my political and Christian views can be discerned in the larger Tweet image at the bottom of the page where he defensively responds to the fact of his own blog posts even though he was not tagged in the tweet to which he responds (meaning he was stalking me on the internet as he often did). The image, at the bottom, also includes gray screenshots of his blog posts where he demonstrates hatred of literally everyone, encapsulating the entire human race. In the image he uses a variation of his own name while using his own image while admitting his obsession to my destruction using techniques, as he did with Perverted Justice's pedophiles: to create the appearance of some larger noble intent to socially if not legally justify his sick and sadistic impulses.
Perverted Justice was hired by NBC News to great derision for use in its show entitled “To Catch A Predator” in which Perverted Justice lured, in my opinion, pathetic losers in with Del Harvey often pretending to be an underage teenager as the sick jail-bait. The show canceled in 2008, in part because Louis Conradt, an assistant district attorney in Rockwall County, Texas, shot himself because of Perverted Justice's “vigilantism” for To catch a Predator and whose bereaved sister sued NBC for $100 million for which NBC settled out-of-court for an undisclosed sum. Xavier von Erck's typically cold-blooded unsympathetic and unapologetic response to the suicide he obviously caused was to say that Conradt “took the coward's way out”.
Perverted Justice is known to have many detractors, including a former NBC producer, Marsha Bartell, who was fired from NBC when she told her bosses that Perverted Justice was a 'trolling operation”.
Del Harvey was hired at the outset of Twitter after, in my humble opinion, directly driving Conradt to suicide, Twitter, where she remains employed more than ten years later, with no prior work history whatsoever except for suicide-inducing Perverted Justice. At this exact same time, Xavier von Erck changed his corporate location from Oregon to California. A quick lookup of his legal Representative, when I last checked, was Corpgate, a one hour and 11 minute drive door-to-door from Twitter to Corpgate.
It is my very, very extremely-firmly-held opinion, especially after a letter sent to von Erck at Twitter was accepted at the desk and signed-for, that Twitter, and Jack Dorsey in particular, at the time, seeing what Perverted Justice was able to do by way of human destruction and Twitter being an obviously rabidly radical-left political organization, exposed as such by Project Veritas' undercover video evidence, hired Perverted Justice, meaning Del Harvey, Xavier von Erck and their group to troll and destroy conservatives on the then new Twitter platform. If Del Harvey, openly, and Xavier von Erck behind the scenes who apparently refused to disclose his current work situation in a recent interview, are working behind the scenes together at Twitter, with hundreds of Perverted Justice members and many thousands of “content reviewers”, then in my firmly-held opinion, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has unleashed the worst of possible human motives upon humanity – politically-motivated cruel sadism and censorship - and in so doing committed a crime against humanity that is absolutely unspeakable and quite probably historically unique in the scale of its psychological and other human destruction.
Every year, thousands of kids kill themselves because of internet bullying. The censorship of conservatives has apparently ruined countless lives as businesses failed. I know how extensive this destruction can be. As von Erck under pseudonyms, often barely disguised, and his people defamed me on Twitter, sometimes tagging Del Harvey by her twitter handle, @delbius, with each attempt my team and I made to reach out and raise awareness and sometimes the financing necessary to establish a Christian motion picture project (I have 40 years in the TV/movie business, mostly NYC) Del Harvey's apparent “Twitter trolls” would publicly declare me as a fraud and much worse. Not only did this drive people away, it is clear it was also used as an excuse to explain why no one whatsoever was responding, certainly an attempt to cover the shadowbanning, since it is difficult to believe that the entire world would simply take von Erck at his derogatory word for it hundreds of times over without anyone questioning him, although it is plain, in my opinion, that von Erck seems to believe he is worthy of that kind of respect.
One locally-known actress associated with my project told me directly that the other actors were leaving the project because they were becoming afraid of what was being personal messaged to them by these people on Twitter (that one actress is made of sterner stuff). A theater group, Starr Theater in lower Tennessee, became almost panicked to be associated with me without giving a full explanation. Remember that Perverted Justice called employers and associates of the people they targeted for destruction with threats and defamatory accusations. This is the same pattern I have witnessed against myself and investigated for over 4 years.
I managed to successfully trick von Erck into more or less identifying himself, and once he was called out by name, Xavier von Erck, the trolling against me stopped, though I do not know about the private messaging campaigns because those associates of mine so targeted are usually afraid to speak out until long after the event. Twitter and its operatives have, in my opinion, come very close to completely destroying me personally and professionally and there is no doubt in my mind that they are doing the same thing to thousands and possibly millions of other conservative Christians, and do so with no more than pure hate and uncontrollable sadistic impulses as their overriding motivation and and in my very firmly-held opinion based on personal experience over several years and grueling investigation, Xavier vin Erck and company were and are paid to do so by Twitter's Jack Dorsey as a criminal form of political activism.
To see the depth of von Erck's, IMO, depravity, which is is plain IMO, which IMO Jack Dorsey bought and utilized in the most extensive hate campaign ever launched upon the world, read these
From von Erck's own blog, scroll down, “My Social Nature In A Nutshell” to understand how he thinks.
About Del Harvey, here in this 2018 story in Vanity Fair, it reads something Harvey has stated elsewhere: “As a teenager, she spent a summer as a lifeguard at a state mental institution; at 21, she began volunteering for Perverted Justice, a vigilante group that lures pedophiles into online chat rooms and exposes their identities.” This is impossible. Lifeguards, meaning those hired not to save people from drowning, but to protect patients in their own rooms from committing physical self-harm must have a 4-year degree to work with the mentally ill. https://www.globalpremeds.com/blog/2014/02/22/working-in-a-psych-ward/
Del Harvey/Allison Shea apparently never attended college and there appears to be a few years from High school to the age of 21 missing from her timeline from High School to the age of 21. After seeing an extremely odd photo of Harvey with two apparently self-inflicted black eyes (ocular abuse occurs in schizophrenics during psychotic episodes) I have come to the firmly-held opinion Del Harvey, since she claims to have so much “personal experience” inside a psychiatric hospital, it is my opinion that Shea/Harvey institutionalized sometime between high school and age 21. It is also my opinion and belief that her being what amounts to an impossible candy-striper in a psych ward is a cover story in case someone from her past recognizes her from when she was known by her birth name, Allison Shea. This would also explain Allison Shea's use of the public moniker of Del Harvey.
Sworn on this day, 11/16/2020
David Rosler
The questions which follow are derived from my experience and mainstream-source investigations about the people involved. Attribution for these questions at any Senate hearing is fine and welcome. I stand by these very reasonable questions.
1. Mr. Dorsey, what qualifications did you feel Del Harvey had to assign her to a task as important as overseeing trust and Safety when twitter was beginning?
2. Mr. Dorsey, were you aware that Del Harvey had no apparent work experience besides trolling with perverted Justice when you hired her to oversee trust and safety at Twitter, because her own resume published on twitter shows no prior work history whatsoever when you hired her to work at Twitter.
3. Mr. Dorsey, what College did Twitter's head of Trust and Safety attend before being hired at Twitter?
4. Mr. Dorsey, are you aware if Del Harvey was ever institutionalized in a psychiatric hospital, because in multiple interviews she claims to have worked at one before she could have possibly been old enough to have attained the 4-year degree necessary to do so?
5. What is the name of the psychiatric hospital Del Harvey claims to have worked in for a summer, because she appears to be keeping that part of the story a secret from the press.
6. Mr. Dorsey, for years, news outlets all overt the world have complained about the fact that Twitter has allowed the most vile types of trolling against conservatives and children and celebrities. What has Del Harvey done to fix this after 10 years?
7. Did Del Harvey ever report to work with two black eyes and did she ever give an explanation? Ocular self abuse is a manifestation known to occur in schizophrenics, and considering she claims to have worked in a mental hospital she never names years before she was old enough to have done so, is it possible that she may have inflicted these black eyes on herself during a schizophrenic episode?
8. Mr. Dorsey, are you aware of a man who is known by or was ever known by the name Xavier von Erck, because he is the closest of associates to your head of trust and safety Del Harvey?
9. Does Mr. von Erck work at, or with in any capacity, Twitter? Because when Del Harvey started working there, Mr. von Erck moved his corporate status from Oregon to a law firm one hour south of Twitter in Northern California.
10. Mr. Dorsey, have you ever read Mr. Von Erck's blog called “Evil Vigilante”? Because he makes remarks so foul and expresses hatred toward humanity so intense that his remarks cannot even be quoted in these proceedings.
11. Have you ever met Mr. von Erck and what were the circumstances of those meetings?
12. Do you or have you ever regarded yourself as friends with President Barack Obama?
13. Have you ever discussed with President Barack Obama the use of Twitter to censor, silence, or in any way limit the free speech of it's users for their conservative views or discuss with him the possibility of using Twitter associates to harass and troll conservatives on your twitter platform? Please be precise, because you are under oath, and if Twitter finds itself regulated by the government, these records will come to light.
14. In previous testimony, you stated things plainly at-odds with recorded evidence while your legal Counsel, Vijaya Gadde, sat behind you and did not correct the record for those and this hearing. Did you and Ms. Gadde ever discuss people being harassed and censored and did she do everything she could to correct those problems, because she did nothing at the hearings, and it seems to me that to fail to do so, since Twitter is a publicly-traded company, is a plain, or near-plain, violation of section 307 of Sarbanes Oxley, and a willful violation of section 307 of Sarbanes Oxley carries with it a punishment of imprisonment for 20 years.
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